Inner healing & deliverance
Inner Healing and Deliverance is for born again disciples of Jesus Christ. If you would like to be born again, need to be water baptized to die to your old self and life, and raise to new life in Jesus, or would rather meet with someone in person for deliverance help, I recommend reaching out to someone in your area who has been trained by The Last Reformation on this map. Look for someone with a green dot. No I cannot vouch for each person, and no I do not think the ministry is perfect, but I do know that the discipleship training in the true gospel of Jesus Christ is good and the testimnoies of people who reach out for help are always amazing.
Or you can contact me on the How Can I Help page to request for our next women's retreat to come to your area and we will prayerfully consider it!
Many times physical manifestations of illness and dis-ease are the manifestations of a spiritual root of woundedness. For help healing please-
-Download my Freedom Fighters book for free by clicking here.
-Visit the Free Courses tab and go through the Inner Healing Course.
-Watch this video on getting free from Rejection and other issues.
It is my experience that almost everyone needs deliverance. When we come to Jesus, the demons do not leave just because we say a salvation prayer. They don't even leave just because we get filled with the Spirit! They leave because we make the leave through deliverance and/or sanctification. Deliverance is faster, is the way it was done in the bible and early church, and it makes our sanctification in Christ so much easier! Full freedom and victory is why He died for us! Don't wait, you should seek to get free as soon as possible!
The Freedom Fighters book and the inner healing course will help with deliverance along with the inner healing, but I also recommend you watch this Deliverance walkthrough with my friend and brother in Christ, Mason Ledbetter.
You may also contact him through his ministry Holy Fire Disciples to request one on one ministry, and taking free classes in healing and deliverance.
Sometimes a person needs longer care, this is where godly counsel can be very beneficial. I recommend my brother in Christ, Madison Beresford at JoyCare Christan Counseling. Madison also ministers deliverance.