Pattern of Immediatlies

The word immediately is used nine times in the first chapter of Mark. Nine times! Clearly Jesus was fervent in His mission. He saw what the Father was doing and did the same -immediately.
What of us? Are we fervent in our mission or do we live life as if there's always tomorrow to tell that person about Jesus, learn how to heal the sick or take that ministry trip? Is God's assignment first on our list or are we going to finish college, get married, or raise children before we ask God what He wants us to do? That list of 'right after this happens I will dedicate my time to the gospel' could go on and on....
Fervency and Kingdom focus marked Jesus's whole time on earth and we are to be no different. When I look back on my life with Him, rather than see a life full of maybe somedays-I want to see a pattern of immediatelies. How about you?