Beginner Bug Out Prepping Part 1

Some are prepping for food shortages by stocking up at home, this is wisdom for sure, but what if we can't stay home? What if needle-wielding 666 mark-ers come knocking on doors? What if electricity and water are shut off to those who refuse the mark? What if we are forced to live in nature while we await the return of Christ? Are you ready? I have a confession, I'M NOT.
I love my phone and air conditioning. I love that my toilet flushes and that I can run to the market at a moment's notice. And maybe, to many pro-preppers, it feels like it's too late for the rest of us, but I choose to believe that as we offer up our jars (whatever we are able to do in the here and now) that the Lord will multiply, like He did with the widow's oil. (2 King's 4) We should not partner with fear, ever, but we should use wisdom. We should do what we can, be ready to share with others in need, and have some kind of plan, however rudimentary. We hide in the shadow of the Almighty according to Psalm 91, but who's to say His shadow won't be waiting for us in the woods somewhere? Here is my Beginner Bug Out Bag list Part 1... An all-seasons tent. This one looks amazing. A survival kit.
Life straws or potable water purification tablets. A book on foraging for the region you live in.
Survival Tabs (food).
Daily Immunity building supplements. Here are the ones I take and give my family.
Daily drinkable fruits and veggies. Here are the ones I take and give my family! They fill you up and sustain your body.
Prepper's Essential Trio of essential oils, Lavender, Frankincense and Peppermint.
Little by little is okay. Just get started! Our faithful Father will provide as we listen for His still, small, voice. 💛 We'll talk about clothing, shoes, blankets and more on the next list!
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
Matthew 10:29-31

We have been thinking about this too. Been dehydrating foods and sealing them. I’m being honest I’m not ready either. But I’m not going to fear, Jesus is in control.
Thanks for the article! I’ve been thinking this way recently as well. The link to the tent doesn’t take me to it on Amazon, just to the Amazon home page.