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Yea, my reins (kidneys) shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things. Proverbs 23:16


I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins (kidneys) also instruct me in the night seasons. Psalms 16:7


Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins (kidneys) and my heart. Psalm 26:2


Did you that in scripture the word REINS is referring to the kidneys? And many modern translations have changed the word to HEART, even though they know it refers to the kidneys. We are missing something BIG by changing that little word.

The above verses alone tell us that our kidneys rejoice, and instruct us while we sleep, and that YWHW examines them just like our heart!

I am still exploring these fascinating truths and am learning so much from Arthur Burke's Fractal of Two teaching. So far I can tell you, that our though processes and problem solving have much to do with the kidneys, and that the left and the right have different functions, even though the doctors treat them identical. 

I can also tell you that kidneys are very closely connected to FEAR. I have seen this even in my own life.

The adrenal glands sit right on top of the kidneys so they are also cloesly related to chronic fatigue sydrome and more. 


Emerald Oils Kidney Health was created to help you nourish and care for your kidneys and by default, your adrenals, to new depths with Jesus, with new understanding. They are so much more than we've been told. Anoint yourself and others that have poor kidney health, poor adrenal function, anxiety, and fears, and BLESS your kidneys in Jesus's mighty name and see what He will do!


This blend comes undiluted in a 10ML glass bottle, OR in an 8ml Gold Roller ready to use in organic fractionated coconut oil.


The following essential oils are in Kidney Health (alphabetical order). The therapeutic uses that are listed for each essential oil are those that are relevant to the purpose of this particular blend.


Clove: Kidney damage, kidney pain, urinary tract infections. 


Fennel: Toxin overload, kidney stones. (Reduction of pain, and blood, as well as the ability to break down kidney stones.)


Frankincense: Kidney inflammation, kidney stones (prevention.) 


Grapefruit: Excess fluid, toxin overload, urinary tract and renal infection.


Helichrysum: Kidney inflammation, toxin overload, kidney stones. (Aids in prevention and passing.)

Lemon: Poor kidney function, toxin overload, kidney stones (aids in breaking them down).


Oregano: Kidney inflammation, toxin overload, urinary tract and renal infections, kidney pain. 

 Rosemary: Kidney damage, kidney pain and inflammation, urinary tract and renal infections.


Methods of Use:


Aromatherapy: The use of natural, aromatic substances, known as essential oils, have been proven to directly connect to the amygdala and the lymbic system in the brain where the seat of emotions is, as well as enter the blood stream just through smelling., offering mental, emotional and physical healing support. Our Creater YAHWEH is amazing in all His ways!  Dry Inhalation: Put 1-3 drops of essential oil on a tissue and inhale the aroma through your nose. Pause and inhale again. (Avoid touching your nose with the tissue.) OR, dilute with carrier oil and rub into your hands like lotion then cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe deeply through your nose, hold for 7 seconds, exhale and repeat. 


Area massage: Mix 6-10 drops of Kidney Health in 1 tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil or fragrance-free, natural lotion. In the morning, massage the kidney area (on your back, just above the waist, towards the sides, beneath the rib cage). (Add chia seeds to your breakfast to help bind and remove toxins!)


After Shower: After showering, while your skin is still wet, put 1-3 drops of essential oil in the palm of one of your hands and rub your hands together. Quickly and evenly spread the essential oil over your legs, arms, and torso. Avoid sensitive skin areas. For maximum skin hydration and to seal in moisture, apply cream, lotion, or body oil directly to damp skin.


Bath, Foot: Mix 1-3 drops of essential oil in 1/2 teaspoon of carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil. Set aside. Fill a tub (deep enough to cover your feet and ankles) with warm water. Add the essential oil mixture, stir well, and immerse your feet for 10-15 minutes. Breathe in the aroma and massage your feet.


The Methods of Use are general guidelines. Individual sensitivities, desired results, and the characteristics of the essential oil(s) used must all be considered. Adjust methods and proportions accordingly.


For external use only. Always dilute before use. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep away from direct flame – essential oils are flammable. If pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before using essential oils. Clove oil is not recommended for those with Liver problems. Store at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight.


(This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. No information provided is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

Kidney Health

PriceFrom $32.00
  • The Blood Sugar Harmony Tisane is a great addition if you are working on detoxing your kidneys. I recommend drinking distilled water, pomegranate juice, and the Blood Sugar Harmony for three days, while working through healing and repentance, and anointing with the oil in Jesus.

    If you don't know how to do this, the Freedom Fighters book will help!

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