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You are altogether beautiful, my love;

there is no flaw in you. Song of Solomon 4:7


Shemen HaMishchah, or Anointing Oils, are favorite of Emerald customers, and this new solid SALVE  style is a new addition to the Emerald Shemen Hamishcah line!


This 1.76oz Salve comes in a glorious glass and gold jar, with natural mica and is 100% organic. 


All essential oils and carrier oils are anointing oils in my opinion, but these are specifically blended to be as close as the biblical 'recipes' as possible according to the research I've done at the inspiration of the Ruach HaKodesh. (The Holy Spirit.) It took months and months to get these off the ground, much longer than anticipated.

Almost as if unseen forces didn't want them to become available! Hmmm. But YHWH!



The King's Bride Anointing Salve is based on the Song of Solomon and was created to help you renew your mind when it comes to WHO YOU ARE IN MESSIAH, and HOW HE SEES YOU.


Self-hate, self-rejection, self-blame, guilt, and shame all lead to DISEASE in your body (especially of the auto-immune variety) and until you forgive yourself, and see yourself through the eyes of the Father and the Bridegroom, a beautiful Bride, hand CHOSEN by the Father for the King of Kings, the Messiah, to serve alongside of HIm for all of eternity, you will never be able to heal your body. 


I created the King's Bride Anointing Salve to anoint yourself with as you renew your mind. It is meant to be a luxurious act of self-care in FAITH. Messiah, Yeshua said,


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31


Loving yourself is the second command after loving YHWH Himself. To not love yourself is to tell the Father you have higher standards that He does (pride), that you don't believe that the cross and shed blood of Jesus is big enough for you (double-mindedness), that He shouldn't love you (shame), that you'd like to keep your distance (fear), and that He chose poorly (blasphemy).


Yes, sweet sister, to not love oneself in light of the cross is SIN, and until you renew your mind, you will remain SICK.  I created a free PDF download to help you renew your mind through the scriptures as you anoint.


You may renew your mind in prayer and meditation without anointing, and/or you may use any oil you have on hand! But this one is filled with fragrant, royal, biblical oils so you can make a choice to pamper yourself as an act of FAITH as you renew your mind to believe that you are WORTHY and RIGHTEOUS because of JESUS. 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.' 2 Corinthians 5:17


The  oils in the King's Bride Anointing Salve blend are listed in Alphabetical order along with their scriptural meaning, or skincare benefits of the biblical meaning is unknown.


King's Bride Anointing Salve

  • Here is a Live Video discussion I made on the oils that I think will be a blessing to you as you explore the new Shemen Hamishchah!

  • I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens. Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. Song of Solomon 2:1


    Rose of Sharon/Cistus-Cistus, aka-Rockrose, is considered a rare essential oil that grows on Mt. Carmel, where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal.


    It is said that species of Cistus were widespread and common throughout Gilead and used as a medicine, therefore is it believed that Cistus is what could be the balm of Gilead referred to in Jeremiah 8:22. (Shepherd's even used cistus for healing the wounds of their sheep!

    Copaiba Balsam-Balsam was an ingredient of the incense (ketoret) burned in the Tabernacle and was a costly, sought after oil. Today it is used as a healing agent for wounds and as an antidote to snakebite and the sting of scorpions! AMAZING! (Luke 10:19 Comes to mind!)

    Lily- The Lily is mentioned many times in scripture, and from the collection of verses about Lilies we learn that they are beautiful, fragrant, plentiful, fruitful and resilient, as they are even able to grow among the thorns. Amazing metaphorically!


    In a base of organic


    Calendula- hydrates, firms, fights acne, and can be used as a natural sunscreen.


    Jojoba- cleanses, protects, heals and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.


    Olive- The spiritual meaning of olive oil goes SO DEEP! Most understand that olive oil is representative of the Holy Spirit. That alone is powerful and reason enough to include it! But it also moisturizes the skin, reduces signs of aging, fights oxidative stress, increases collagen, cleanses skin, fights acne, promotes wound healing and has anti-inflammatory properties.


    Pomegranate Seed-Jewish tradition teaches that the pomegranate is a symbol for righteousness, because it is said to have 613 seeds which correspond with the 613 mitzvot or commandments of the Torah. Pomegranate is one of the seven species the spies brought back with them to show how fertile the Promised Land was. It speaks of God's favor exhibited in fruitfulness and abundance.


    Rosehip Seed-is anti-aging, reduces sun spots, smooths and reduces acne scars & stretch marks and is anti-inflammatory.



    Sweet Almond-can heal superficial skin burns, boost collagen production, keeps skin hydrated and supple, and protect against potential damage caused by UV radiation. Biblically, Almond blossoms were to be used as part of the Lord's instructions when building the temple Menorahs (Exodus 37:19) and almonds were plentifully and represented a hastening, maybe to obedience.Each anointing oil also contains ethically sourced, pure mineral mica.



    *Sources: The bible, anointingoil dot org, Dr. Axe, biblestudytools dot com


    The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Sherri Ohler ⓒ 2022 TM

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